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半岛bauma China 2012: 参展热情提振中国工程机械市场

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  • 发布时间:2023-08-16 15:06:23
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【概要描述】 导读: 2011年末中国项目机械行业繁荣市场的褪去使人欷歔不已经,2012年的市场怎样变迁越发牵感人心。然而本年时间已经颠末半,中国项目机械行业的连续低位运转好像给夸姣的市场预期泼了凉水。据2012年第一季度全世界重要 ...

2011年末中国项目机械行业繁荣市场的褪去使人欷歔不已经,2012年的市场怎样变迁越发牵感人心。然而本年时间已经颠末半,中国项目机械行业的连续低位运转好像给夸姣的市场预期泼了凉水。据2012年第一季度全世界重要项目机械企业事迹盘货报导,卡特皮勒、小松、沃尔沃修建装备、阿特拉斯科普柯为代表的项目机械装备打造商都纷纷暗示,2012年第一季度于中国市场的销量降落,只是降落的幅度差别。并且海内市场低迷,使患上一季度中国项目机械产物入口周全降落,转向出口市场运作。2012年下半年,中国项目机械怎样攻破僵局、提振市场,也许可以于2012年11月27-30日举办的bauma China 2012找到谜底。

与冷僻的中国项目机械市场造成光鲜对于比,bauma China 2012的招展事情则开展患上如火如荼,报名企业的参展热忱高涨不退。今朝,参展企业已经达2600多家,另有很多企业但愿能得到展示空间。于获得泛博展商厚爱的同时,咱们也于沉着思索:展商的需求是甚么,bauma China 2012怎样能最年夜限度地满意展商需求,怎样有用构造取患上满足成效。

于项目机械市场疲软的年夜情况下,企业需要精良的商业平台推生产品、拓展市场;而bauma China 2012十年来储蓄积累的品牌效应将吸引约15万名来自各个国度地域的不雅众前来观光洽谈,有用帮忙中国企业开拓外洋市场,此中包孕俄罗斯、南非等热点项目机械市场。企业需要找到专业的采购商;而bauma China 2012会聚了诸多有采购需求的不雅众,无力的洽谈将为2012年企业事迹添加出色的一笔。

除了了为展商与不雅众搭建沟通的桥梁,主理方也但愿经由过程这次展会为项目机械行业提供最新不雅点、技能及研发结果的交流平台,鞭策行业走上踊跃稳健的成长轨道。为了得到精良的参展效果,参展企业可以着眼展示产物的机能、外不雅及研发技能等,从这几方面加强企业上风,俘获更多客户的青睐。衷心祝福列位展商于bauma China 2012(2012年11月27-30,上海新国际玻览中央)斩获乐成!此外,不雅众预挂号行将于近来开通,敬请存眷!

bauma China 2012: Enthusiasm of Exhibitors Boosts China Construction Machinery Market

The spiral growth of China construction machinery market has faded in the end of 2011. And more concerns go to the market situation of 2012. However, as half a year has passed by now, the depression of China construction machinery has disappointed the positive market expectation. According to the report on Performance of the leading global construction machinery enterprises in the first quarter of 2012, many manufacturers, such as, Caterpillar, Komatsu, Volvo, Atlas Copco, expressed that sales in China market from January to March 2012 had decreased in some degree. Moreover, the downturn of domestic market caused the overall decline of importing China construction machinery products and more focus on export market operation in the first quarter. In the second half of 2012, how shall China construction machinery make breakthrough and boost the market? bauma China 2012 h�뵺APPeld during 27-30 Nov 2012 will reveal the answer.

In contrast with the relatively gloomy China construction machinery market, bauma China 2012 has welcomed a large amount of applications and many exhibitors show great interest in displaying their feature products and technologies. Until now, the number of exhibitors has exceeded 2,600. With the trust of exhibitors, we keep a cool head at the same time: what do the exhibitors ask for? How will bauma China 2012 meet their requirements to the utmost? How to achieve the effective exhibition by efficient organization?

Under the depression of global construction machinery in general, enterprises need a good platform to promote the products and expand the market; for ten years’ hard work and brand accumulation, bauma China 2012 will attract about 150,000 visitors from different countries and regions. It will facilitate the Chinese enterprises to expand overseas market, including the hot construction machinery markets, such as Russia and South Africa. Enterprises would like to get in touch with the professional buyers; bauma China 2012 will gather many visitors with purchasing requests, and the effective business talk will help achieve a considerable sum of sales.

Besides building the bridge between exhibitors and visitors, the organizer hopes to provide a co妹妹unication platform for new ideas, technologies and R D results, and promotes the industry to develop smoothly. In order to get satisfying exhibition effect, exhibitors are supposed to focus on the exhibits’ function, appearance and technologies, which will catch more clients’ eyes. Wish all exhibitors the utmost success in bauma China 2012 (at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre)! Kindly remind that visitor registration will be opened recently.

友情提示 本信息真实性未经中国项目机械信息网证明,给你看看。没有经过,不要转载。已经经本网授权使用的,应于授权规模内使用,并注明“来历:中国项目机械信息网”。/半岛

半岛bauma China 2012: 参展热情提振中国工程机械市场

【概要描述】核电站级阀门远传机构 可通过查阅网站 解决方案 电力行业查询

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  • 发布时间:2020-09-09 15:40
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